Jubilee Autumn: Florensky, Kropotkin, Skovoroda
scientific conference, Florensky, Kropotkin, Skovoroda, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University, RAS Institute of PhilosophyAbstract
The review material considers the main content of three anniversary historical-philosophical events of 2022: the International Scientific Conference "The Visible and Invisible Worlds of Pavel Florensky", dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Florensky and to the 70th anniversary of Abbot Andronik (Alexander Sergeevich Trubachev, 1952–2021); scientific conference “Scientific and Philosophical Heritage of P.A. Kropotkin in the Context of History and Modernity”, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of P.A. Kropotkin; scientific conference “Instructions of a Wandering Philosopher. To the 300th anniversary of Grigory Skovoroda". The material presents the main theses of the plenary speakers, as well as the lines of controversy between the participants.