S.L. Frank in Emigration

A Review on: Obolevich Т. Semen Frank in European and Emigration Culture. Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2023. 530 p.


  • Alla V. Malkina St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University. 6/1 Likhov alley, Moscow, 127051, Russian Federation


S.L. Frank, the history of Russian philosophy, Russian emigration, A.F. Izyumov, P.Ya. Chaadaev, R.M. Rilke, priest G. Florovskii, A. Tyrkova-Williams


The review presents the recent monograph of sister Teresa Obolevich – a Ph.D., the Head of Department of Religious Philosophy at the Pontifical University of John Paul II (Krakow). The book, published in Poland in 2023, is devoted to unknown pages of the biography of the Russian religious philosopher S.L. Frank in emigration. It summarizes long-term author’s research and scientific work with the archive materials and reveals in details the role of the scientist as a lecturer in different European Universities, his contacts with contemporaries, cooperation with the periodical “Liebet einander”, etc. Each chapter consists of a descriptive (historical) part, step by step reconstructing elements of Frank’s life in chronological order, and a publication of the recently edited and the new archive materials (some of them firstly published). The book deserves high praise as a new step in frankovedeniye that depicts some new important details and personal aspects of the philosopher’s life, such as an unique religious experience that led to a «touch of God» as the Incomprehensible.






Criticism and Bibliography

How to Cite

S.L. Frank in Emigration: A Review on: Obolevich Т. Semen Frank in European and Emigration Culture. Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2023. 530 p. (2024). National Philosophy, 2(3), 111-116. https://np.iphras.ru/article/view/10888